Kids Dentist, Orthodontics
Another area of concern among young patients is tonsils and adenoids. They’re lymphatic tissue in the back of the mouth and throat. They are there primarily to help fight infection when we are young. Nevertheless they can be a problem if they become distended or get...
Kids Dentist, Orthodontics
Tooth crowding of the upper jaw occurs when there is not enough space in the mouth for all the upper teeth to align properly. This can lead to overlapping, crooked, or misaligned teeth, which not only affect the appearance of the smile but can also cause oral health...
Kids Dentist, Orthodontics, Valencia Family Dentistry
Teeth crowding occurs when there isn’t enough space in the mouth for all the permanent teeth to grow in properly. This can lead to crooked, overlapping, or misaligned teeth, affecting both appearance and oral health. Early intervention plays a key role in preventing...