Advanced cleaning, also known as deep cleaning or periodontal therapy, is an essential dental treatment designed to maintain and improve oral health, particularly when regular brushing and flossing aren’t enough to remove plaque and tartar buildup. Unlike a standard cleaning, advanced cleaning targets areas below the gum line, where bacteria can accumulate and lead to gum disease, cavities, and other oral health issues.
This procedure is typically recommended for patients with gum disease, deep pockets around teeth, or a history of excessive plaque buildup. During an advanced cleaning, the dentist or hygienist uses specialized tools to remove tartar and bacteria from beneath the gum line. The process also smooths the tooth surfaces, making it more difficult for bacteria to reattach.
Advanced cleaning can help prevent more serious dental problems like gum recession, tooth loss, and bone deterioration. It is especially important for those at risk for periodontal disease, as it helps control inflammation and promotes healthier gums. Following an advanced cleaning, many patients notice a reduction in gum bleeding, bad breath, and an overall improvement in their oral health.
If it’s been a while since your last professional cleaning or you’ve been experiencing gum problems, don’t wait to take action. Call us today at (505) 865-9788 to schedule an appointment and experience the benefits of advanced cleaning for a healthier smile!